White Labs

Brew with Chris White

Details are coming together for the upcoming “Brew With Chris White” event.  The date is Saturday, Jan 19th, yes, just a week from this coming Saturday.

So far, a total of 5 people with portable brewing systems have indicated that they would like to brew at White Labs during the event.  You know who you are, but I will be contacting you off-list to confirm that you are still interested.

Chris will be brewing on the White Labs system with the WL head brewer, Joe Kurowski.  Actually, I suspect Joe will be doing most of the work, and Chris will be doing what he does best, talking about yeast and fermentation.

The plan is for White Labs to brew an alt beer, a style not yet available in the tasting room.  So, there will be some ground-breaking style exploration going on. The QUAFF members can brew any style they like, so we’ll see what happens with that.

In addition, if there is a QUAFF member who would like to assist in brewing on the WL system, a brewers assistant position is available.  Or a couple of people could take shifts.

The brewing will start at 8 am, at least for Joe, with the QUAFF brewers starting anytime after 8.  The tasting room will open at noon, as usual, so there will be plenty of time to join in the festivities.  Kara said she can arrange for a food truck, or you can bring your own food, so no need to go hungry.

Anyway, hope to see a good turnout at WL on Saturday, Jan. 19th, to cheer on the QUAFF brewing team.


Stan Sisson

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