
Big Brew Day 2013 at White Labs

Hi all! Time to start thinking about this year’s AHA Big Brew Day. Here is something you might consider participating in. Yes I realize Big Brew Day conflicts with SCHBF, but not everyone is going to Ojai.

Maximum of 10 brewers can participate in brewing demonstration in the White Labs parking lot. Everyone welcome to come by and observe. Tasting Room opens at noon. Likely there will be a food truck also. We can possibly make it a snack potluck deal as well.

Here are general guidelines for brewers:

Must be self contained. WL can provide water for chilling. Possible that power will be available for pumps, but gravity systems are preferred. Extract brews are OK.

May 4th date is same date as SCHBF in Ojai. You can’t be two places at once. Can probably get started around 8 am, should plan to finish no later than 4 pm.

WL will provide yeast for up to 10 brewers, need to know what yeast is needed. WL brew system should be brewing this day, possible that assistant brewers can help out on the WL system, or maybe even brew on their system.

Would be good if participants can bring their beer to a future club meeting to share, probably the July meeting to ensure all beers have plenty of time to finish.

WL will publicize this event on their FB/Twitter accounts, so a good turnout would be nice. Be sure to wear your club shirt. Should be able to share homebrew in the tasting room.

Plan to share your brewing process with curious potential-future-brewers. A printout of your recipe would be nice.

All alcohol consumption MUST occur inside the tasting room. No alcohol consumption in the parking lot.

If you are interested in brewing during this event, please e-mail me directly at and I will start a list. If you just want to go check it out, no need to contact anybody, just put it on you calendar and show up.

More details as we get closer. I will try to post more reminders close to the event date this time.


Stan Sisson

Categories : Events

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