If you’ve enjoyed reading about the Alaskan Adventure then get ready, here’s the bulk of the tasting. Prior T and I were sailing and fishing (mostly drinking beer on a boat) and nearly wrecking twice. Once when the anchor didn’t set correctly and we drifted across a cove and near some very large and very pointy rocks. The 2nd time as we were motoring into the docks as we were getting close to the massive breakwater the motor cut out. Instantly Tom’s head poked through the hatch “Why the hell did you kill the engine?” I replied it did that all by itself.
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The Great Alaska Beer Tour ’10 pt III
The Great Alaskan Beer Tour of ’10 pt II
We awoke the next morning feeling somewhat better. At least we weren’t sleeping crammed in on a boat, or drifting across a bay b/c the anchor didn’t anchor. But I digress, our fishing adventure finished and now onto the beery adventure! Since Alaska is so ‘small’ and shipping costs so high, the entire states basically distributes in house. Which is great simply because you get to try multiple beers at different places, but this didn’t stop us from attempting to visit every brewery we could.
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The Great Alaskan Beer Tour of ’10
Being the son of an oil man (or as my Father calls himself a glorified ditch digger), we moved around frequently growing up. My childhood was spent in the states of AK, TX and La, and I graduated from high school in ’95 in Anchorage. The family left the same summer for TX and other than a quick visit during the summer of ’96 I would not return until the summer of ’10 with my good buddy Travis (also known as T hereafter) who I’ve known since ’88.
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